How To Fix An Overwound Clock

Clocks with overload or that, for some reason, have stopped and no longer keep the time is a problem that commonly happens. You have to learn how to fix an overwound clock to enjoy its performance and always have the time. You may have a new-handled clock or an old one that spans thousands of years and has stopped at some point.

These overloaded watches require extensive maintenance because one wrong move can completely damage them. If you have a watch that you just inherited from your grandfather and another family member and stops working, you must accommodate it. You have to keep the operation of this legacy watch alive just by setting it up yourself with a few steps.

Grandfather clock repair can be simple if you put your mind to it and use good cleaning supplies. Many of these problems in overloading the traditional watch can be due to dust or other elements’ presence. You have to disassemble your watch and check its faults in its structure to accommodate it immediately.

Some people believe that some calamities will occur when the clocks you long to stop in your life. This myth is latent for many years, and you can hear it from many people in different countries. You have to discard these myths and try to find alternatives to repair the clock from your home.

By understanding how to fix your old clock, you will save a lot of money by not replacing it with a new one. You have to forget about spending money unnecessarily and using what you have today after having it repaired. The time that you can take to repair your old watch can be 10 to 30 minutes maximum.

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Reasons why a watch can be damaged

Although many people believe that the handles to wind the watch are delicate, this could not be true. When you want to wind a watch, you may be afraid to apply pressure to damage the part. Elderly horologists still preserve these myths, so the old clock they have at home has only been wound one time.

A logical answer to this question about putting pressure on the watch handle is that this action is necessary for your watch. If you do not wind your watch constantly, this can reduce its operating time because dust accumulates. Dust is the main enemy of wind-up watches that make them stop after a few years.

The best advice you can take is to wind the watch for as long as necessary without fear. You have to forget about these myths about watches and their damage when you think about winding them quickly. You don’t have to overdo the pressure you apply to the handle because you also understand that these watches are 100% resistant.

Learn about some things to avoid to wind watches safely

You must know a few things when winding your watch to avoid damaging it and bringing unhappiness to your life. If you have a watch at home that has been with you for many years, you should take care of it and not treat it harshly when winding it. Among the things that you should avoid when handling your watch are:

Exert good pressure

You have to exert good pressure on the watch when winding it, but not too much pressure to damage it. The weight that you must give to your watch’s winding is minimal, and you should only bring it to the top in turn. All winding watches have a stop on the turn that you should not exceed because you will break the handle or internal gears.

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Don’t turn the clock handle every day

You don’t have to be obsessive and turn the clock handle every day because this action can wear down all of your gear. These vintage watches are not for you to handle a lot but to wind on special occasions that warrant it. You don’t have to twist these strings every day also because the spring can slip or break.

Avoid winding the watch with dirty hands

Another extra tip that you should keep in mind is to avoid winding the watch with hands dirty, especially with grease. You have to clean your hands before winding the watch because all these dirt particles can stay inside. Your watch’s gear is very sensitive to all types of dirt, so you must avoid internal agents entering.

Steps to wind the watch comfortablyNow you can know how to fix an overwound clock at home without the slightest help. There are steps you can take to fix your overloaded watch by conveniently rolling it up. The steps that you must follow when troubleshooting your watch are:

Step 1: Check the condition of the clock spring

You have to check the watch spring condition to know how much winding you should give it. In the how to fix an overwound clock process, you should be very attentive to this spring and notice the end of its capacity. The spring can wear out over the years from constant rope pull or poor quality elements.

Step 2: you must check the pendulum’s capacity

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While the clock is running, you can verify the pendulum’s capacity that this is decisive to wind it. If you notice that the clock’s pendulum is very low, you will need constant manipulation to wind it. When the clock’s pendulum is optimal, this can be a good sign for you not to give it so many winds turns.

Step 3: If your watch is just set, you can wind it up quickly

If you have sent the clock for maintenance, you might need to optimize its performance on its first pull of the winding. You need to wind your new watch very hard for all its gears to work, and this will give it a long life. Such a simple action with your new or newly refitted watch may improve its performance in the future.

Step 4: Never neglect the watch

Finally, you should never neglect the watch after having made a quick analysis and solving common problems in its operation. You must place your watch in a part where it does not produce so much dust that it enters its gear. All you have to do is maintain the watch constantly, always to keep it functional.


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