Why is my car’s Windshield Fogged up in Summer?

If you’ve ever gone out to your car on a hot summer day, only to find that the windshield is fogged up, you’re not alone. Many people think that this happens because the air conditioning is on, but that’s not actually the case. So, why is my car’s windshield fogged up in summer?

There are a few reasons why this happens, but the most likely explanation is that the outside temperature is significantly hotter than the temperature inside your car. When this happens, the air inside your car is actually cooler than the air outside.

This difference in temperature causes the moisture in the air to condense on the windshield. However, if you turn on your air conditioning, this will help to remove the moisture from the air and prevent the windshield from fogging up.

How to prevent my windshield from fogging up in the summer

There are a few things you can do to help prevent your windshield from fogging up in the summer.

First, make sure that your car is parked in a shady spot. If it’s parked in direct sunlight, the heat can cause the windshield to fog up.

Second, you can crack a window to let some air circulate inside the car. This will help to keep the air inside the car from getting too humid.

Third, you can buy a windshield sunshade. This will help to keep the direct sunlight off of the windshield, which will help to prevent the windshield from fogging up.

Fourth, you can use a defogging solution on the windshield. This solution can be bought at most auto parts stores.

Finally, if you have an air conditioner in your car, make sure that it is turned on. The air conditioner will help to keep the air inside the car cool and dry, which will help to prevent the windshield from fogging up.

How do you fix a foggy windshield in the summer?

To fix a foggy windshield in the summer, you can use a defogging solution. There are many defogging solutions on the market, so be sure to read the labels carefully to find one that is compatible with your car’s windshield. Once you have found a defogging solution, simply follow the instructions on the label.

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Cracking down your windows

When you first start your car, the windows are foggy because the warm air inside your car condenses on the cold glass. Cracking the windows prevents the humidity from condensing on the windows and makes the windows less likely to fog up.

Clean the windshield with shaving cream

If your car’s windshield is foggy, there are a few things you can do to clean it up. One option is to use shaving cream. Just put a little bit on a rag and wipe it across the windshield. The shaving cream will help to remove the fog and make your windshield shine.

Apply potato starch to the windshield

When the weather is humid, your car’s windshield can fog up on the inside. This is because the humidity in the air condenses on the cold glass. One way to prevent this is to apply potato starch to the windshield. The starch will absorb the moisture and prevent the glass from fogging up.

Engage the windshield wipers

When you turn on your car’s windshield wipers, they should clear away any rain, snow, or debris that’s obstructing your view. But sometimes, they can actually make your windshield more foggy.

This is because the wipers can push water and moisture around on the glass, rather than actually removing it. If your wipers are leaving streaks or smears on your windshield, it’s probably time to clean them. You can do this by wiping them down with a damp cloth or using a windshield wiper cleaner.

If your windshield wipers are still leaving streaks or smears, it’s possible that they’re worn out and need to be replaced. Similarly, if your windshield is fogging up frequently, it may be time to replace your car’s windshield wipers.

Turn down the air conditioning system

When you first get in your car, the air conditioning system is set to a default temperature. In most cases, this temperature is too cold for the summer months. To avoid this, you can turn down the air conditioning system by pressing the “-” button on the control panel. Doing this will help to keep your car’s windshield from fogging up.

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Roll down your car’s windows

Rolling down your car’s windows is one of the quickest ways to get rid of foggy windows. The circulating air will help to clear the fog. If it’s a really hot day, crack the windows open just a bit so you don’t overheat the car.

Engage your HVAC system’s fresh air setting

When the weather is warm and humid, your car’s air conditioner can help to keep the windshield clear by reducing the amount of moisture in the air inside the car. However, if your car doesn’t have an air conditioner, or if you prefer not to use it, you can still reduce the amount of moisture in the air by using the fresh air setting on your car’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system.

The fresh air setting on your HVAC system brings in outside air and circulates it through the car. This outside air is typically drier than the air inside the car, so it can help to reduce the amount of moisture in the air and prevent the windshield from fogging up.

To use the fresh air setting, simply set the mode selector on your HVAC system to “fresh air” or “vent.” You may also need to turn off the recirculation setting, which circulates the air inside the car without bringing in outside air.

If you find that the fresh air setting doesn’t keep the windshield clear, or if it makes the car too cold or too hot, you can try opening the windows to let in some outside air. Just be sure to close the windows when the windshield starts to fog up again.


1. Why is my car’s windshield fogged up in summer?

There are a few reasons why your car’s windshield might fog up in summer. One possibility is that the air conditioning is set too low, which can cause moisture to condense on the glass. Another possibility is that the humidity inside the car is high, which can also cause condensing. Finally, if you’re using a defroster, make sure that it’s not set too high, as this can also cause condensation.

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2. How can I prevent my windshield from fogging up?

There are a few things you can do to prevent your windshield from fogging up. One is to make sure that the air conditioning is set to a moderate temperature. Another is to crack open a window to allow some air circulation. Finally, if you’re using a defroster, make sure that it’s not set too high.

3. What should I do if my windshield starts to fog up?

If your windshield starts to fog up, the first thing you should do is turn on the air conditioning. If that doesn’t work, crack open a window to allow some air circulation. Finally, if you’re using a defroster, make sure that it’s not set too high.

Why is my car’s Windshield Fogged up in Summer?

Must Read

-First and foremost, you need to ensure that your car’s windows are clean. Any dirt or grime on the windows will cause the windshield to fog up.

-If your car has an automatic defrost setting, be sure to use it. This will help to keep the windshield from fogging up.

-If your car does not have an automatic defrost setting, you can crack the windows open slightly to allow for air circulation.

-You can also try using a dehumidifier in your car to help keep the air inside from being too humid.

-Finally, if all else fails, you can always use a defogger spray on your windshield to help keep it clear.


Thanks for reading! We hope this article helped clear up any confusion about why your car’s windshield fogs up in summer. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to us. Drive safely!

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