How to Get a Bird Out Of Your Garage? – Tips and Tricks

If you have a bird in your garage, don’t panic! There are a few simple things you can do to get the bird out safely. First, open all the doors and windows to the garage to give the bird a way to fly out. Next, try to shoo the bird towards the open door with a broom or other object. If that doesn’t work, you can try to catch the bird with a net. Finally, if all else fails, you can call a professional to help you remove the bird.

How Do I Prevent Bird From Getting Into My Garage?

If you’re finding that birds are getting into your garage, there are a few things you can do to prevent this from happening. First, take a look at how the birds are getting in. Are there any open windows or doors that they’re flying in through? If so, close them up or install screens over them. You may also want to keep your garage door closed as much as possible.

Another option is to make your garage less attractive to birds. If there are any food or water sources that they’re coming for, try to remove them. This could mean keeping your garbage can lids closed or not leaving pet food out. You may also want to consider hanging bird deterrents like Mylar balloons or shiny objects around the perimeter of your garage.

Be Sure To Shut The Doors

If you find a bird in your garage, the first thing you should do is close the doors to the garage, both the entry door and any internal doors leading to the house. This will help to contain the bird and make it easier to catch. Next, open any windows or doors to the outside to give the bird an escape route. Then, using a net, attempt to gently herd the bird towards the open door. If all else fails, you can try to catch the bird by hand.

Keep The Garage Door Opener Covered

One way to keep birds out of your garage is to keep the garage door opener covered. This will help to keep them from getting into the garage through the open door. There are a variety of products on the market that can be used to cover the garage door opener, such as a bird screen or a bird net.

Another way to keep birds out of the garage is to keep the garage door closed. This will help to keep them from getting into the garage through the open door. If the garage door is left open, it is important to make sure that there is a bird net or bird screen over the opening to keep them from getting inside.

Employ Bird Predator Visuals

If you have a bird in your garage, you may be wondering how to get it out. One option is to use bird predator visuals. This involves placing items in your garage that will make the bird think that predators are present. This can be anything from placing a fake owl in your garage to hanging up bird predator decoys. The goal is to make the bird feel like it is not safe in your garage and it will eventually fly away.

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Get Nettings Or Screens Installed

If you have a bird that is getting into your garage, one of the best things that you can do is to get netting or screens installed. This will help to keep the bird out of your garage and will also help to protect your belongings from getting damaged. There are a few different ways that you can go about getting netting or screens installed, so be sure to talk to a professional to see what would be best for your particular situation.

Keep Away Food And Nesting Materials

If you want to keep birds out of your garage, it is important to remove any food or nesting materials that may be attracting them. This means keeping the area clean and free of garbage, and ensuring that there are no open containers of food or water available. You may also want to consider keeping your garage door closed, or at least partially open, to discourage birds from entering.

Attempt Avian Control

If you have a bird in your garage, the best thing to do is to attempt avian control. This means keeping the bird away from the areas where it is not welcome, and making sure that the bird does not have access to food or water.

One way to keep a bird out of your garage is to keep the doors closed. If the bird is already in the garage, you can try to shoo it out. Another way to keep a bird out of your garage is to block off any openings that the bird could use to get in. This may include gaps around doors and windows, or holes in the walls.

If the bird is in your garage because it is looking for food or water, you will need to remove the source of the food or water. This may mean removing bird feeders from around your home, or fixing any leaks in your plumbing.

Attempting avian control can be difficult, but it is important to keep birds out of your garage to prevent them from nesting and causing damage.

Employ a Rake

If you have a bird in your garage, the best way to get it out is to employ a rake. First, find where the bird is hiding. Once you’ve located the bird, gently place the rake in front of the bird, and slowly push the bird towards the door with the rake. Be careful not to scare the bird, as this may cause it to fly into something and injure itself. With a little patience, you should be able to get the bird out of your garage without any harm.

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Place Food at the Exit to Lure Them Out

If you have a bird in your garage, you may be wondering how to get it out. One way to lure the bird out is to place food at the exit. This will give the bird a incentive to leave the garage. You can try placing some bird seed or a piece of fruit near the door or window that the bird is using to get in and out of the garage. Once the bird has taken the bait, you can quickly open the door or window and shoo the bird out.

Deter the Bird with an Owl Decoy

Owl decoys are a great way to deter birds from your garage. By placing an owl decoy in your garage, you can make the space less inviting for birds and deter them from entering.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using an owl decoy to deter birds. First, make sure that the decoy is placed in a visible location. Birds are more likely to be deterred by a decoy if they can see it. Second, make sure that the decoy is placed in an area where it will not be disturbed. Birds are more likely to be deterred by a decoy if it is in a stable, stationary position.

Third, make sure that the decoy is the right size. An owl decoy that is too small will not be effective in deterring birds. Likewise, an owl decoy that is too large may actually attract birds. The ideal size for an owl decoy is between 12 and 18 inches.

Fourth, make sure that the decoy is made of materials that are safe for birds. Some owl decoys are made of plastic or other synthetic materials that can be harmful to birds if they come into contact with them. Look for owl decoys that are made of natural materials, such as wood or feathers.

Finally, make sure to clean the decoy regularly. An owl decoy that is covered in dirt and grime will not be as effective in deterring birds. Clean the decoy with soap and water on a regular basis to keep it looking its best.

Get a Fishing Net

If you are trying to get a bird out of your garage, one of the best tools to use is a fishing net. You can purchase a fishing net at most sporting goods stores. Once you have your net, set it up in an open area of your garage. Then, try to herd the bird towards the net. Once the bird is in the net, you can carefully remove it and release it outside.

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Leave a Trail Formed with Brightly Colored Objects

Assuming you would like tips on how to get a bird out of your garage, one method you could try is leaving a trail formed with brightly colored objects. This could help guide the bird out of the garage and back to safety. Some things you could use to create the trail could be items like string, yarn, ribbon, or even strips of fabric. Just make sure the items are colorful and easy for the bird to see. You may also want to try using a flashlight to shine a light on the trail, as this could also help the bird find its way out.

Seek the Assistance of Animal Control

If you have a bird in your garage, the best thing to do is to seek the assistance of animal control. They will be able to safely remove the bird and release it into the wild. Animal control is also equipped to deal with any potential injuries the bird may have.


How do I get a bird out of my garage?

There are a few things you can try to get a bird out of your garage:

-First, try to find where the bird is coming in and block the opening.

-Next, try to make the garage as uninviting as possible by removing food sources and making the space as dark as possible.

-Finally, you can try to catch the bird with a net or by hand.

How to Get a Bird Out Of Your Garage? – Tips and Tricks

Must Read

-If you find a bird in your garage, the best thing to do is to open all the doors and windows to allow the bird to fly out on its own.
-If the bird does not seem to be able to find its way out, you can try to guide it by gently shooing it towards the open doors or windows.
-If the bird seems to be injured, it is best to contact a local wildlife rehabilitator for assistance.
-In order to prevent birds from getting into your garage in the first place, you can try to keep the doors and windows closed and/or covered with screens.


Thanks for reading our blog post on how to get a bird out of your garage! We hope you found the tips and tricks helpful and that you are now able to safely remove the bird from your garage. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us and we would be happy to help.

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