How To Dispose Of Lighter Fluid

Lighter fluid is a form of dangerous household waste. This means that you can’t throw it out with the trash. If you’ve got some excess lighter fluid lying around, the safest choice is to send it to a friend who can use it. Otherwise, you would have to take it to a household hazardous waste disposal site or drop it off at a nearby hazardous waste collection case. When handling lighter oils or other dangerous materials, remember to take sufficient safety measures.

The Environmental Protection Agency has specific protocols on the safe handling of dangerous chemical waste. Lighter fluid items are flammable waste and fall under the broader category of domestic hazardous waste. If you have unused lighter oils, there are a few choices for disposal.

Instructions for How To Dispose Of Lighter Fluid

Step 1: Read the storage and disposal instructions on the product’s label.

Follow the guidance the manufacturer has printed on the product label as carefully as you can. Also, search for details that you can contact and find out more about how to better dispose of your lighter fluid. If the label includes a website or phone number, please explore these possibilities as well.

Step 2: Search online for a local household hazardous waste disposal site.

To find a household hazardous waste facility near you, enter an online search engine with the name of your town, city, or county and the term “household hazardous waste site.” To find one that embraces lighter fluid, look at the results. Certain household hazardous waste disposal services pay a nominal fee, so make sure to inquire about the facility rate before dropping your lighter fluid off. You would even need to make an appointment at certain places to drop off the lighter fluid.

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Step 3: Contact local officials to find a hazardous waste collection event.

Many communities are hosting neighbourhood one-day activities where you can drop hazardous household waste. Contact the local waste collection department or local government office or search their websites to see if there is an alternative for your neighbourhood.

If you intend to wait for a nearby recycling event to dispose of your lighter fluid, make sure to store the lighter fluid in a dry, sealed position away from the heat source.

Step 4: Confirm the facility’s hours of operation before going there.

Contact the nearest waste disposal facility or visit their website to find out about their hours of service. Many sites are open 5 or 6 days a week during regular business hours, but exact dates differ by the venue. Review to see if you need to arrange a meeting to hand off your lighter fluid. Any facilities won’t consider the waste because you prepare ahead of time. You can schedule a meeting at any of the facilities by phone.

Step 5: Keep the lighter fluid in its original container.

Keeping the lighter fluid in the original bottle would help the waste disposal site workers to know what they are handling and how they can treat it. If, for whatever reason, the lighter fluid is not in its original bottle, please contact the nearest waste disposal facility and inquire how they would like you to move it to their facility. If you do not already have any, make sure to add a label on the bottle.

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Step 6: Avoid leaving your lighter fluid in your vehicle unattended.

Place the lighter fluid in your vehicle just before you depart for the waste disposal site. Don’t leave it in your vehicle just like you’re doing other errands. Be particularly cautious when carrying lighter fluid in hot weather conditions. Try getting the lighter fluid out of direct sunshine.



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